========================= == MERC 2 v1.1 Patch == == Installation Readme == ========================= Date: 7/19/99 Author: Heyyo (Ryan Conner) Email: rConner@bigfoot.com Website: www.dukeworld.com/merc2 TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Installation 2. Usage 3. Troubleshooting 4. Technical Support 5. Version History 1. Installation --------------------- To Install the MERC 2 v1.0 --> v1.1 patch follow these steps: ** You MUST have MERC 2 v1.0 installed for this to work ** 1) Download this patch from www.dukeworld.com/merc2 2) Unzip M211ptch.zip into the Duke3D directory that contains MERC 2 v1.0 (Overwriting any files that already exist) 3) Run MERC 2 like you normally would with Merc2.exe and M2dos.bat 2. Usage --------------------- After Installing this patch, you just run MERC 2 like you did before. 3. Troubleshooting ---------------------- MERC 2 doesn't work at all! Possible Causes: MERC 2 is for Duke Nukem 3D v1.4/1.5 ONLY. It will not work with any other version. Solution: Make sure you installed MERC 2 and the v1.1 patch directly into your DN3D directory. Do NOT run MERC 2 using a Duke3d.exe or Duke3d.grp that has been modified in any way. I get a "Program Requires MS-DOS Mode" pop-up box, or the game crashes during certain levels when running M2 through Windows. Possible Causes: Windows will suggest using Real DOS Mode when it encounters files that it thinks are too big to handle through a Win/DOS session (i.e. large midi files). Solution: To prevent this, use the procedure below for each of the following files: Duke3d.exe, Setup.exe, M2dos.bat Right click on the file, click on Properties, click on the Program Tab, then click the Advanced icon. Uncheck the box containing the text: "Suggest MS-DOS as necessary", and check the box containing the text: "Prevent MS-DOS-based programs from detecting Windows". The game crashes when loading certain levels. Solution: Try using the above information on preventing Dos programs from detecting Windows. If problems still exist, try turning off the music, this will fix the problem 99% of the time. You can then turn the music back on after the level loads. If all else fails, run M2 in "Real Dos mode". 4. Technical Support ---------------------- If you still encounter problems with v1.1 even after using the above information, please consult our Game Play/Technical forum at: http://www.dukeworld.com/merc2 Or send e-mail to: merc7@altavista.net 5. Version History ---------------------- V1.1 Multiplayer Fixes - Fire on item respawn - Disintegration gun crash - Added Smoke1 spawn to Elec gun death sequence - Added Co-op and DM starts to all maps Crash Fixes - Fixed E1L4 & E2L3 crash problems Level Texture/Sprite Fixes -E1L1 - TV texture mess-up (man, how did I miss that?) -E1L2 - Some sprites/textures added -E1L4 - Some sprites/textures added Misc. Fixes - Civilian 4 code now works properly - Updated both launchers to use new .grp file V1.00 Initial Release.